M. L. Van Nice

Artist’s Books, Installation, Mixed Media, Sculpture

M.L.Van Nice: Borges

from The Proceedings of the Library at Wadi ben Dagh

paper maché

Most of what I am as an artist derives from an early and energetic embrace of Marcel Duchamp. This includes his disdain for the word “artist”, and his several suspicions regarding “art” in general, although I do, nonetheless, use these words and use them as if I know what they mean. To me, art is just a facet of curiosity. Like its uptown cousin, science, it is simply one form of inquiry, a way of looking at things, asking questions and nosing around. Unlike science, whose conclusions are taken as fact, the conclusions of art—the objets themselves—are not answers; they are matters of opinion, inklings. Postcards home, nothing more.