Drawing, Mixed Media, Painting

#16 Hold On, Don’t Let Go of the Playground Project
10″ x 20″
sharpie, gouache on paper
My work deals with the contrast between balance and imbalance, control and the lack there of. Specifically, I explore the movement of the human body through space and time. My interest in the nature of the human form comes from living with cerebral palsy – a physical disability.
Over the years I have developed two caricatures that have allowed me to show how I see my body. My figure has no face, no defining feature and is always just an outline. Often, when someone sees a person with a physical disability that is all they see at first, just the physical disability.
My work tells a story, with many small moments that show the passage of time. All my paintings, drawings, and illustrations are pieces of this story.
Visit Christina M. Tedesco’s website at www.christinamtedesco.com