We are thrilled to be welcoming visitors into our building again, at the discretion of individual artists.
Many of our artists are in high-risk groups for serious complications from Covid.

- Masks are now optional for guests visiting common areas in Mad Oyster, such as the lobby and hallways, as well as studios where no mask requirements are posted.
- Some artists may require masks be worn within their studios.
- Free masks are available at the bake sale table in the lobby
- If you do not wish to wear a mask, do not enter spaces with mask requirements.
- Please check with artists about their comfort level in shaking hands, hugging, or unmasking, before reaching out for contact, or removing your mask. Please gracefully accept their requests as we each face this challenge in the ways that are most appropriate to our own circumstances.
The Mad Oyster features a solar roof and a green roof garden.
We are proud to be part of an increasingly ecologically conscious city.